River Access Pass

Private Party

River Access Passes are for private parties that want to float the river using their own watercraft and set their own shuttle. With this pass you may drop off or pick up your group directly on the gravel bar at HWC and leave (1) vehicle in the parking area. This is not a reservation for camping and it is not a day pass for hanging out on the beach all day. If you wish to camp or hang out on the beach, you must reserve a campsite. We recommend checking out the WOKA whitewater park for day use. https://visitwoka.com/

May- October

Available 7 days a week (7a.m. to 8:30 p.m.) Please plan your pickup times before 8:30 p.m.


No more than 8 people per vehicle for launch/takeout

No additional fee for boat trailers

Availability is Limited to 5 Passes per day (first come)

This is not a season pass - each pass is valid for one day only

Overnight Parking is allowed for parties who are conducting multi-day river trips only. Approval Required. See details below.

Any vehicle that is left in the parking area or is driving down to the river to drop off or pickup boats/boaters requires the purchase of a River Access Pass.

If you show up with 2 vehicles and only one is driving down to the rivers edge and the other is being parked, then you only need to pay one $10 fee.

If you are only picking up your boaters and using HWC as a takeout location but not parking a vehicle, it is still the same $10 fee.

If no spots are available on the booking page, then we are full or have blocked those dates out for special events.

We are limiting the number of Access Passes in order to keep things low key and mellow for our camping guests. We do not want to turn into a giant parking lot, however we understand the demand for access to the river. We are trying to accommodate without overwhelming the nature of this place.

You may drive down to the river and onto the gravel bar to drop off/pickup your people, gear and boats on the beach within a reasonable timeframe. Go ahead and feel free to check the place out and take your time getting ready or packing up, we don’t want you to feel rushed, however, please don’t turn the River Access Pass into a “Day Use Pass” on the beach. Do not walk or drive through camping areas.

No camping or sleeping in your vehicle in the main parking area except in extreme emergencies such as flash flood, severe storms etc.

Do not leave valuables inside your vehicle. HWC is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property.

Familiarize yourself with the river regulations that are enforced by GRDA. You must purchase a GRDA river permit for each watercraft that is used on the river. We do not sell private boat permits from GRDA. You will have to contact GRDA directly for more info of how and where to purchase them. 918-256-5545

Overnight Parking

Overnight parking is reserved for private parties conducting multi-day river trips only. Not for commercial use.

Add Overnight Parking to your RAP for $5/night (Max 3 nights)

Example: If you intend to park a vehicle on Friday and pick it up on Sunday, (3 days+2Nights) You will need to book 3 consecutive River Access Passes ($10) and add Overnight Parking for Friday and Saturday.

May- October 7 days a week (7:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.) Please plan your vehicle pickup times before 8:30 p.m.

If no spots are available on the booking page, then we are full or have blocked those dates out for special events. If you have a multi-day trip planned and no more River Access Passes are available, reach out via email or give us a call and we will try to accommodate your plans.

Abandoned vehicles or any vehicles left overnight that do not have an overnight pass will be towed at the owners expense.

You must provide your trip itinerary to add overnight parking via email to JDart@Highwatercamp.com

Include the First Name, Last Name, Phone Number and Address for the primary point of contact and one alternate. Also include the license plate number, state, make, model and color (description) of each vehicle staying overnight. Lastly, include the launch and takeout locations either by common name, google pin drop and/or GPS coordinates, and the date of your expected return to your vehicle. I will not respond to your email unless there is a problem. Once you have submitted the info via email, then you can assume you are automatically approved. This information is not required for day parking or camp reservations.

Commercial Float Operators

GRDA approved CFO’s Only

Not for private use. Private boaters looking to launch/takeout/park must purchase a Private Party River Access Pass or use another location if no passes are available

$25/ vehicle

No daily limit on CFO Passes

No additional Fee for trailers

May-September (Per GRDA CFO season) 7:00 a.m.- 8:30 p.m.

Click the “Add CFO Pass” at checkout for each vehicle

Must use commercial business bus/van/vehicle with company logo to pickup and drop off. No private unmarked vehicles.

You may drive to the rivers edge-offload/pickup your boaters, gear and watercraft within a reasonable timeframe. Day Use of the beach other than to launch/takeout is reserved for camping reservations or other pre-approved parties only. Do not walk or drive through camping areas. Please ensure that your guests are aware of this. Thanks.

The CFO is responsible for ensuring that their guests respect the property and follow HWC rules. Any agreements between HWC and other CFO’s may be terminated at anytime.


FLASH FLOOD WARNING: Camp or float at your own risk! The main campground is on a gravel bar very close to the river which can and does get completely submerged during highwater. A flash flood can occur without warning, day or night, 365 days a year. You are responsible for monitoring river levels and weather conditions. HWC does not monitor or send notifications to guests regarding changing conditions. There are several links offered on this website to assist you in your own research.

If you choose to camp on the gravel bar and heavy rain is present on site or upriver, be prepared to break camp and move to higher ground. If you notice the river rising while you are camping, move to higher ground and get off of the gravel bar immediately. Its is highly recommended that you do not leave vehicles unattended on the gravel bar during your float, especially if the water levels are already high and more rain is expected. You may park vehicles in the main parking area or in the meadow. Please cancel your trip if heavy rain or flooding is forecasted. We want everyone to be safe. It is 100% up to you to be responsible for your own safety while camping and on the river. I don't want to scare anyone away, but I want you to be fully informed so you can make your own decisions.

ALTERNATE CAMPSITE: You may also choose to camp in the meadow if the river levels are high or expected to rise. You do not need additional permission or a separate reservation to use this option. It is always available to our camping guests. It is up to you to decide which location is best for your group.

LIFE SAFETY RISK: Flash flooding is a real concern and the consequences could be severe. You could die. For legal and liability concerns, that is about as blunt as I can state it. Seriously, if you have any concerns about your ability to safely exit the gravel bar or river from a flashflood, either camp at the Alternate Campsite or do not stay here.

Okay, now that I am done scaring the crap out of you….On a better note, when the weather is good, the river and the beach here are pretty darn nice. The point is, you need to be vigilant and have a plan. If you are still reading this and have not already booked a campsite at another location, Welcome to HWC, where we don’t sugar coat the liability information.