Commercial Float Operators
GRDA approved CFO’s Only
Not for private use. Private boaters looking to launch/takeout/park must purchase a Private Party River Access Pass or use another location if no passes are available
$25/ vehicle
No daily limit on CFO Passes
No additional Fee for trailers
May-September (Per GRDA CFO season) 7:00 a.m.- 8:30 p.m. (Please plan your pickup times before 8:30 p.m.)
Must use commercial business bus/van/vehicle with company logo to pickup and drop off. No private unmarked vehicles.
You may drive to the rivers edge-offload/pickup your boaters, gear and watercraft within a reasonable timeframe. Day Use of the beach other than to launch/takeout is reserved for camping reservations or other pre-approved parties only. Do not walk or drive through camping areas. Please ensure that your guests are aware of this. Thanks.
The CFO is responsible for ensuring that their guests respect the property and follow HWC rules. Any agreements between HWC and other CFO’s may be terminated at anytime.